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Corporate Spokesperson: Busy but Balanced

Dubbed a “parenting guru” by Ladies Home Journal, best-selling
author Mimi Doe is the preeminent expert busy moms turn to for practical advice and tips for simplifying and balancing their lives.

Doe’s books, website, newsletter, television segments and
appearances nationwide reach millions of women ages 25-54 every month, making her an ideal spokesperson.

  Mimi is the award-winning author of five books for parents and families including Busy but Balanced: Practical and Inspirational Ways to Create a Calmer, Closer Family (St. Martin’s Press) and 10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting: Nurturing Your Child’s Soul (HarperCollins).

 Doe has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show and is featured weekly on The Hallmark Channel’s New Morning TV. She was recently seen on the CBS Early Show. Her work has been covered in literally every major parenting and women’s magazine as well as the top daily newspapers.

 Mimi also reaches parents through her website, SpiritualParenting, and online newsletter (over 50,000 subscribers) and through workshops and keynote talks nationwide – where she has come to be known as “The Balance Mom.” She is a featured expert on Beliefnet.com, with a popular interactive page receiving over 3 million visitors a month, and ClubMom where her daily Blog helps moms find balance.

 She holds a Master’s Degree in Education from Harvard University and lives in Concord, Massachusetts with her husband and two daughters.

 Mimi consults with companies, integrating her Soulful Messaging to Moms techniques with company marketing goals.

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